Roasted Pheasant with Tarragon & Lemon Carrots

You're probably tired of hearing this by now, but follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to keep up with what we've been doing. This blog has been left on the back burner lately, because we've been super busy with freelance work, which is awesome. The recognition has been nice. I try to post here when a new recipe is posted somewhere, but I've obviously failed.
In other news ... Rick and I are expecting a baby girl! I'm due at the end of May, so there's also been that. Heh.
We also continue to work with MeatEater, contributing about once a month. You can find our recipes here:
We've also had recipes published in Gun Dog magazine a handful of times during the last year, and we hope to continue that relationship into the future now that they're transitioning to a larger format magazine. Look for our next recipe with Gun Dog in their summer issue: grouse poppers. I'm currently working on a dove recipe for them, to be published sometime in one of their fall issues.
Up and coming Strung Magazine added me to their list of editors last year: I am Strung's wild foods editor and have been contributing quarterly. It's a beautiful magazine, boasting a host of veteran and new outdoor writers and photographers. Please support and subscribe:
I have also recently picked up work with Covey Rise and Petersen's Hunting print magazines, which I'm very excited about.
I still work at Nebraskaland Magazine full time. We just published a 200-page book to commemorate the Nebraska state park system's 100-year anniversary. It was a massive team effort.
In short, I've been bouncing all over the place, and it's been fun and rewarding. Keep a look out on our social media channels for the latest news.
Happy spring! We're gearing up for our foraging season next.
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